My company locked MSN application on PC, so I have to write my own application running on work station (FreeBSD). I found jmsn and the simple tutorial. It helped me complete it smoothly.
原本只是單純call已經寫好的jar檔(API in java),不過後來發現有問題,所以也修改了部份的jar檔。簡述如下:
At beginning, I just want to use the APIs in the original JAR file, but I found some bugs, and modify the source code to build my own JAR file. Below is my note.
At beginning, I just want to use the APIs in the original JAR file, but I found some bugs, and modify the source code to build my own JAR file. Below is my note.
- 送出登入訊息時密碼未經過URLencoding:
The password of user's log-in has not been URLencoding:
Some people complained that they cannot login by jMSN. I want to tell them that it's because the bug in the original lib. It will abort the special symbol(ex: / " * ...) in your password. On the other hand, if you put these special symbols in your password, you may not have ability to log-in by jMSN. I try to contact these people, but not all of them put their contact information on the web. I hope these people can find this pages fortunately.
For the people who mentioned that they have no problem to use jMSN, you have put yourself in danger. One with bas intentions may recognize that there is no special symbols in your password. - 原本的msnm.jar 會對於使用者資訊做記錄:
- 接收封包未解析完全: